Week of February 28th, 2022
3rd Grade News Week 24 February 28th - March 4th, 2022 Monday, February 28th - Library/Media Center Tuesday, March 1st - Art Wednesday, March 2nd - LATE START , Music Thursday, March 3rd - Gym Friday, March 4th - ½ Day - Music, End of 2nd Trimester Important Dates Late Starts - March 9th, 16th NO SCHOOL - March 14th Report Cards/IXL Diagnostic/Lexia End of Trimester Progress It's hard to believe the end of the 2nd trimester is this Friday. Report cards will be sent home early next week. If you have any questions regarding your child’s report card please feel free to email me. In addition, check out your child's IXL Diagnostic levels. They should start in the 300s (see below). If the scores are lower, extra time is needed to fill the gaps in math before 4th grade. Also, Lexia scores for 3rd grade are 13-15. At this point, they should be getting close to or on level 14. If your child is below, extra time would be so helpful. Thank...